1) Introduction 

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) describes how Lil’ Drug Store Products, Inc. (“Lil’ Drug Store” or “we” or “us”) handles information that we collect about you or other individuals, and the privacy protection we accord to personally identifiable information (“PII”) collected through our website, https://www.lildrugstore.com/ (the “Site”), or from other sources as referenced in the Policy.  For purposes of this Policy, PII about you means information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with you or your household. 

When you use our Site, you are agreeing to our collection, use, and disclosure of your PII as described in this Policy, so please carefully review this Policy before you use the Site.   If we decide to make changes to this Policy, we will post an updated version of the Policy on the Site.  If the changes are material, we will also post a notice that the Policy has been updated.  Your use of the Site following the posting of an updated version of the Policy constitutes your acceptance of the updated Policy, so please check the Policy periodically to be sure you are still comfortable with its terms.

2) How Does Lil’ Drug Store Collect Your PII and What Types of PII Does It Collect? 

Lil’ Drug Store collects PII about you when you actively provide it to us, such as by sending us a message, responding to a request for information, or applying for a job with us.  We also collect some PII about you when you visit the Site, both when you actively provide it to us, such as by sending us a message through the “Contact Us” page on the Site, and when you “passively” provide it through the device you use to connect with the Site.  We collect device-related information such as Internet Protocol (“IP”) addresses from visitors to our Site, using various technologies and means, such as cookies and Internet tags.

We also may collect PII about you from other sources, such as our business partners; other websites, including social media websites and employment search websites; the press or other print media; and other organizations or individuals as permitted under applicable law.  

Listed below are the types of PII that we may have collected about you within the past 12 months.  It is unlikely that we would have collected PII about you in all of these categories, and each type of information listed below is PII only if the information identifies,relates to, describes, references, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with you or your household.

  • Identifiers such as your name, postal address, email address, phone number,  or other similar identifiers.
  • “Customer Records” information(some of which may be identifiers or professional/employment-related information as well) such as your name, signature, Social Security number, address, telephone number, driver's license or state identification card number, insurance policy number, or bank account number.
  • Commercial information such as records of products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies.
  • Sensory data such as audio, electronic, visual, or similar information, such as if we record a phone call with you.
  • Professional or employment-related information such as your current or past job history.
  • Educational records such as school transcripts if you are applying for a job with us.
  • Personal characteristics that are related to classifications legally protected from discrimination, such as marital status, age, and gender.
  • Sensitive personal information such as your Social Security number.

3) Our Business Purposes for Collecting PII; How We Use the Information 

We may use the PII we collect from you for a variety of purposes permitted by law, includingto improve the content of our Site, to customize the Site to your preferences, to communicate information to you (if you have requested it), for our marketing and research purposes, and for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy.

  • To communicate with you, including in response to your inquiries and to fulfill your requests;
  • To provide you with information about our products and the purchasing opportunities we offer;
  • To prevent fraud, including by confirming your identity;
  • To improve the content of our Site and to customize the Site to user preferences;
  • To maintain and upgrade the security of any data or information we collect;
  • For compliance and risk management purposes; and
  • For other legally permissible or everyday business purposes, including data analysis, product development, and compliance with law enforcement and other legal processes.

4) How We May Share PII 

We may share the PII we collect as follows:

  • with Lil’ Drug Store affiliates that agree to treat the PII in accordance with this Policy;
  • with our contractors and service providers (e.g., providers of fulfillment services, technical support, and delivery services), whom we bind by contract to protect the confidentiality and security of the PII we share with them;
  • in the event of a proposed or actual reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer or other disposition of all or any portion of our company or its assets, to a proposed or the actual acquiring party or assignee;
  • as we believe to be appropriate (i) when required by applicable law, including laws outside your country of residence; (ii) to comply with legal process (iii) to respond to requests from public and government authorities; (iv) to enforce the terms and conditions for use of the Sites, including this Policy; (v) to protect and defend our rights and property; (vi) to protect the interests of Lil’ Drug Storeor others; and (vii) to permit us to pursue available remedies or limit the damages that we may sustain.

5) We do not sell PII and we do not share PII with non-affiliated entities for them to use either for cross-context behavioral advertising or for their own marketing purposes.

6) Data Retention; Security

We will retain PII about you for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes for which we have collected the PII.  For example, we retain the PII of our contacts at our vendors and customersfor the term of our agreement or relationship with the vendor/customer.  For our employees, we retainnames, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, educational and employment background, military service, Social Security numbers and bank account information for up to two years following the termination of their employment with us.  And with respect to job applicants, we retainnames, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, educational and employment background information for up to six months.

We employ reasonable organizational, technical, and administrative measures to protect the PII we maintain within our organization.

7) Updates to Your PII

If you would like to update PII that you have provided to us, you may contact us through one of the means listed in the “How to Contact Us” section below. 

8) How to Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding this Policy, please call us at (800) 553-5022, or email us at brad.hart@lildrugstore.com.

9) California Residents’ Privacy Rights

If you are a resident of California, you have certain privacy rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”).   We honor those rights, as described below, and we are prohibited by law from discriminating against you for exercising any of those rights.

A) Right to Know

If you are a California resident, you have the right to know what PII we have collected about you, why we collected it, and the categories of third parties (excluding service providers) with whom we have shared the PII during the past 12 months. (See below on “How to Submit a Request.”)  You may request that we provide a description of the categories of PII we have collected (a “Categories Request”) or a request for access to the specific pieces of PII we have collected (a “Specific Pieces Request.”)

If you make a Categories Request, and you do not have any type of account with us, we will need you to provide us with at least two data elements specific to you, such as your cell phone number or driver’s license number (depending on the data elements we already maintain about you), so that we can verify your identity.  After we confirm that your request is a verifiable request, we will disclose to you:

  • The categories of PII we collected about you.
  • The categories of sources for the PII we collected about you (e.g., social media websites, government records available to the public, etc.).
  • Our business or commercial purpose for collecting that PII.
  • The categories of third parties other than service providers (if any) with whom we shared the PII.

If you make a Specific Pieces Request, we need to be sure we have verified your identity with great certainty to safeguard the privacy of the PII we have collected.  If you do not have any type of account with us, you will need to provide to us at least three data elements specific to you, together with a signed declaration under penalty of perjury that you are the individual to whom the PII you are requesting pertains.  After we confirm that your request is a verifiable consumer request, we will, consistent with the CCPA,disclose to you the specific pieces of PII we collected about you that you requested.

B) Right to Request Correction of Deletion 

You have the right to request that we correct any inaccuracies in the PII that we maintain about you.  You also have the right to request that we delete any of your PII that we maintain.  However, we are not obligated to comply with your request for deletion if we have a legal basis to retain the PII.  We will not correct or delete any PII pursuant to your request unless we are able to verify that you are the individual to whom that PII pertains. 

If you make a request for us to correct or delete PII, we may need you to provide us with at least two data elements specific to you so that we can verify your identity.  Once we receive and confirm that your request is a verifiable request, we will inform you whether we have corrected or deleted (and have directed our service providers to correct or delete) your PII, or if we are declining to grant your request to correct or delete due to a legal basis for us to do so.

C) How to Submit a Request

To request access to or correction or deletion of your PII as described above, please submit a verifiable consumer request to usby calling us at our Privacy Rights toll-free number: (800) 553-5022.

You may make a request on your own behalf, or you may designate an authorized agent to make a request on your behalf.  If you designate an agent to submit a request for you, please provide us with a signed declaration stating that your intent is to permit that individual to act on your behalf and include such individual’s full name, address, email address, and phone number. That way we will be sure you have fully authorized us to act in accordance with the requests of that individual.

As indicated above, in order to protect your PII from unauthorized disclosure or deletion at the request of someone other than you or your legal representative, Lil’ Drug Store requires identification verification before granting any request to provide copies of, know more about, or correct or delete your PII.We take special precautions to help ensure this. We cannot fulfill your request if we cannot verify your identity or authority to make the request and confirm that the PII relates to you.  We will only use PIIcollected in connection with a verifiable request to verify the requestor's identity or authority to make the request.

We endeavor to respond to a verifiable consumer request within forty-five (45) days of its receipt. If we require more time (up to forty-five (45)additional days), we will inform you of the reason and extension period in writing.